TransTRACK® Fleet Digitalization Solution Prints Annual Revenue Growth of 344%
Diposting pada April 19, 2024 oleh Nur Wachda Mihmidati

Jakarta (19/04/2024) – TransTRACK, a Tech Enabler company that focuses on fleet digitalization operations through Fleet Operation Optimizer and Supply Chain Integrator solutions, is currently present through the CNBC Indonesia Tech a Look program, with the title “Startup Business Strategy to Encourage the Transportation & Logistics Sector to Support the Indonesian Economy”. Through Anggia Meisesari’s explanation, it was explained how the business strategy TransTRACK itself starts from the solutions offered to the rapid business growth.

TransTRACK has created tremendous business growth in line with the increasing economic trend. As much as 344% of TransTRACK’s revenue growth has increased compared to the previous year which was still at 214%.
TransTRACK’s services can be used by all industry sectors, ranging from Logistics, F&B, Financial and Leasing, FMCG, Retail, Consumer Goods, Medical & Chemical, Mining, Agriculture, Plantation, Rental, and private transportation. All services can be used with a monthly subscription system.
The government has also contributed to the growth of TransTRACK. By requiring all industrial fleets to use safety standards on fleets, TransTRACK develops a wide range of solutions such as Fleet Management System for remote control of fleets, drivers, and cargo, there is a Transportation Management System used to track shipping transactions, Truck Appointment System to reduce truck queues and speed up the process of loading unloading,Vehicle Maintenance System for fleet repairs, and Logistic Service Integrator which is an end to end logistics solution for shippers, carriers, and 3PL companies. In addition, TransTRACK has also been connected with the Ministry of Transportation to monitor fleet operations while in traffic.
Through the security features and safety standards that have been implemented, TransTRACK has reduced the accident itself. During Lebaran 2024, users who have used TransTRACK have minimized traffic accidents. Not only accidents, 30% of fuel reduction has been reduced, and 40% of companies have benefited from the TransTRACK solution. This is based on customer surveys and market research.
In relation to the selling points in Indonesia where vehicles are still using old vehicles, TransTRACK has its own challenges for the fleet digitization industry. Another challenge is for TransTRACK to educate all industry players who use fleets, ranging from driving behavior, blank spots, to technical and non-technical, in order to be more aware of the importance of safety at work when using a fleet.
In terms of the business itself, the challenge begins with the practice of green technology as a form of TransTRACK’s commitment to support sustainable development. For its implementation, TransTRACK has collaborated with various associations, communities, and webinars for every month. In addition, TransTRACK also strives to offer a variety of solutions based on customer needs.
As a start-up company, TransTRACK has had a net profit since 2022 with profits that continue to increase. With the technology developed, TransTRACK continues to innovate to help business people in various sectors. Its own growth has been rapid with 110 cities in Indonesia, 30 cities in Malaysia, and began operating in Singapore as of March 2023. In addition, TransTRACK has recorded a 74% customer growth of 1,100 customers, more than 135 fleets and platform subscriptions. With this, TransTRACK has the challenge ahead of it by developing solutions that customers want through digitizing their fleets.
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