Encouraging Investment and Innovation, TransTRACK Presents at Indonesia-Australia Strategic Business Forum in Melbourne


Melbourne, October 3, 2024 – In an effort to strengthen cooperation in the digital and private funds sectors, the Indonesian Consulate General (KJRI) Melbourne, in collaboration with the Indonesian Investment Promotion Centre (IIPC) Sydney and Festival Indonesia Inc. successfully organized the “Festival Indonesia Business Forum: Indonesia-Australia Economic Powerhouse Business Forum.” The forum was attended by around 100 stakeholders from both countries, including government representatives, business people and academics.

As CEO and Founder of  TransTRACK, Anggia Meisesari spoke in the second session of the forum on the potential of Indonesia’s digital technology industry. In her presentation, Anggia emphasized, “Fleet telematics in Indonesia has brought significant changes in various sectors, such as logistics, public transportation, and plantations. With the implementation of fleet telematics, these industries are able to increase operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve work safety.”

Furthermore, Anggia explained some of the key features of the TransTRACK solution that support the implementation of fleet telematics. There is  real-time monitoring  that allows fleet managers to monitor the position of vehicles directly, driver monitoring systems to improve safety, digital document storage for administrative efficiency, as well as data analysis for better decision making. All these contribute to more efficient fleet management and responsiveness to industry needs.

The forum, themed “Building an Economic Powerhouse: Leveraging Mutual Strengths in Digital Technology and Private Fund Sectors” identified a number of investment opportunities for Australian pension and private funds companies. The sessions included discussions on the business and investment climate in Indonesia, as well as presentations of export-ready Indonesian-made products in the B2B Matching Event.

B2B matching allows them to make direct connections with potential partners. This is a strategic step to strengthen the business network between Indonesia and Australia, and encourage investment in emerging sectors. Kuncoro Waseso, Indonesian Consul General for Victoria and Tasmania, emphasized that this forum is a concrete step to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation, hoping to strengthen Indonesia’s position as a strategic partner in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Indonesian Ambassador to Australia, Dr. Siswo Pramono, opened the forum by emphasizing the importance of collaboration between Indonesia and Australia to achieve sustainable economic development. Dr. Riyatno from the Ministry of Investment/BKPM also expressed his hope that this forum would be a platform for collaboration and exploration of new opportunities for partnership.

Anggia Meisesari’s presence in this forum demonstrates TransTRACK’s commitment to supporting the development of digital technology in Indonesia and opening up opportunities for cooperation with international partners. The forum is part of Festival Indonesia 2024, which also features other events such as Indonesian Night and Indonesian Outdoor Festival.

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