Unveiling How E-Seal TransTRACK Works: Types, Benefits, and Advantages!


E-Seal is a tool or device used to provide electronic markings on goods or packaging. E-Seal typically takes the form of a small device placed on the door or lock of containers or other packaging containing goods. E-Seals are typically equipped with chips capable of storing information such as sender and recipient identities and other shipment-related details.

E-Seal serves to enhance security in the transportation of goods as it helps prevent tampering and theft during transit. Additionally, E-Seals facilitate the tracking of goods during transit, enabling accurate, real-time shipment information. The use of E-Seals is generally required for shipments governed by laws or regulations, such as export and import shipments, hazardous material shipments, and so on.

How E-Seals Work

E-Seals, or Electronic Seals, operate using electronic technology to safeguard the security and integrity of goods during transportation. E-Seals typically consist of several components, including sensors, controllers, and batteries, all enclosed in a small package that can be attached to the packaging of goods.

Here are some ways E-Seals work to protect the security of shipments:

Creating Digital Signatures

E-Seals can be used to create digital signatures or signatures on packaged goods. These digital signatures are typically generated using special encryption algorithms to provide extra security for the goods. Digital signatures are used to ensure that the shipped items have not been tampered with or replaced during transit.

Having Unique Codes

E-Seals have unique codes that can only be read by parties with specific decryption keys. These unique codes are used to identify the goods and streamline the process of inspecting items during transit. The use of unique codes also helps minimize errors in shipment handling.

Tracking Goods’ Location

E-Seals equipped with RFID or GPS technology can be used to track the location of goods in real-time. This technology allows shipments to be tracked from the sender’s location to the recipient’s location. It helps both senders and recipients monitor shipments more effectively and reduces the risk of loss or delays.

Monitoring Goods’ Condition

E-Seals equipped with sensors can monitor factors like temperature, humidity, and potential leaks in the goods during transit. These sensors provide real-time information about the condition of the goods during transportation, enabling senders and recipients to take necessary actions in case of issues.

Alerting Users

E-Seals can be used to send alerts to users in case of issues with the goods during transit. For example, if the temperature of the goods exceeds the desired limit, the E-Seal can alert the user, allowing them to take appropriate actions to rectify the situation.

In summary, the operation of E-Seals relies on electronic technology to safeguard the security and integrity of goods during transportation. E-Seals work by creating digital signatures, having unique codes, tracking goods’ locations, monitoring goods’ conditions, and alerting users to issues with the goods. Therefore, the use of E-Seals is becoming increasingly popular and plays a crucial role in modern shipping processes.

Types of E-Seals

Here are some common types of E-Seals used in goods transportation:

Cable Seal

Cable Seals consist of wire designed to secure container locks or doors. They are typically made from highly durable materials capable of withstanding heavy loads. Cable Seals are well-suited for high-security shipments, such as valuable or hazardous goods.

Bolt Seal

Bolt Seals are E-Seals comprising one or two components that can be combined to form a seal. They are usually used on container or truck doors or locks. Bolt Seals are made from very strong and durable materials, making them difficult to break or open without causing damage.

Padlock Seal

Padlock Seals consist of specially designed padlocks for locking container doors or other packaging. They are typically made from sturdy and durable materials and often include additional security features, such as serial numbers or QR codes for easy tracking.


RFID Seals use RFID technology to track the location and status of shipped goods. They usually include chips installed on packaging or containers, enabling easy and accurate tracking of shipments. Shipment information can be accessed in real-time through the RFID system.

GPS Seal

GPS Seals use GPS technology to track the location of shipped goods. They typically consist of GPS devices installed on packaging or containers. With GPS Seals, senders and recipients can accurately track the location of shipped goods in real-time through the GPS system.

NFC Seal

NFC Seals use Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to facilitate communication between electronic devices. They usually include chips placed on packaging or containers. With NFC Seals, shipment tracking can be done in real-time, and shipment information can be easily accessed through connected electronic devices.

Benefits of E-Seal

E-Seal offers numerous advantages for the transportation of goods. Below is a detailed explanation of the benefits of E-Seal:

Enhanced Shipment Security

One of the primary benefits of using E-Seal is the improved security of shipments. E-Seal ensures that the goods remain securely locked and sealed during transit, helping prevent theft or tampering. Furthermore, E-Seal records the time and place every time the seal is opened or tampered with, providing more accurate and transparent information.

Increased Efficiency in Goods Transportation

The use of E-Seal can also enhance efficiency in goods transportation. With accurate and real-time information about shipments, E-Seal can streamline inventory management and reduce delivery times. E-Seal allows both senders and recipients to easily track the status of shipments, better preparing for the receipt process.

Simplified Tracking and Monitoring of Goods

E-Seal facilitates easier and more accurate tracking and monitoring of goods. With E-Seal, every movement of the goods during transit can be recorded with comprehensive information, including location and time. This information can be accessed by relevant parties, including senders and recipients, to ensure safe and timely delivery.

Reduced Costs and Human Error Risk

By using E-Seal, goods transportation can be processed faster and more accurately. This can reduce operational costs and the risk of human errors that may occur during the shipping process. E-Seal also reduces administrative costs, as all shipment-related information is stored in an electronic system and easily accessible to relevant parties.

Compliance with Regulatory Standards

The use of E-Seal can help meet compliance standards required in goods transportation. Some regulations necessitate the use of E-Seal, including export and import shipments, hazardous material shipments, and others. By using E-Seal, senders and recipients can ensure they meet the requirements and compliance standards set forth.

Advantages of TransTRACK’s E-Seal

TransTRACK is one of Indonesia’s leading Fleet Telematics Optimization companies with a new security feature known as E-Seal. Here are some advantages of TransTRACK’s E-Seal:

Real-time Tracking Functionality

TransTRACK offers real-time tracking features that allow senders and recipients to monitor the location of goods in real-time. This feature helps users better monitor goods transportation, providing a greater sense of security and trust for both senders and recipients.

NFC Technology Integration

TransTRACK utilizes Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to quickly and easily read data from E-Seals. This technology enables close-range data reading and ensures that the data read is highly accurate.

Monitoring Goods’ Condition

TransTRACK includes features for monitoring the condition of goods during transportation, such as temperature and humidity. This ensures that the goods are delivered in suitable condition and remain undamaged during transit.

Compatibility with Other Logistics Systems

TransTRACK can be integrated with existing logistics systems, making it easier for users to manage goods transportation more effectively and efficiently. This can help users minimize costs and improve profits from their goods transportation businesses.

In summary, TransTRACK offers several advantages in the use of E-Seal. Features such as real-time tracking, monitoring of goods’ condition, and compatibility with other logistics systems make TransTRACK a suitable choice for ensuring the security and integrity of goods.

In today’s digital era, the use of E-Seal technology is increasingly crucial in ensuring the security of goods transportation and preventing fraudulent activities or leaks. As a trusted E-Seal provider, TransTRACK is here to provide the best solutions for your goods transportation business.

By using E-Seal from TransTRACK, you no longer need to worry about the security of your shipped goods. Advantages like real-time tracking and goods condition monitoring will provide greater security and confidence to both senders and recipients.

Don’t hesitate to use E-Seal from TransTRACK to enhance your business performance and satisfy your customers. Join TransTRACK today and experience its benefits!

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