Find Out What Lartas Items are and How to Check Them!


In the context of customs in Indonesia, the term “Lartas” often refers to “Export-Import Prohibitions and Restrictions.” These Lartas are rules applied by Customs to control and regulate the export and import of certain goods. The objectives can vary, including protecting domestic industries, maintaining national security, or meeting international requirements.

Common examples of bans and restrictions include import bans on certain goods, import quotas that limit the amount of goods that can be imported, or certain license requirements that must be met before a product can be imported. Meanwhile, similar policies may also be applied to exports, depending on government policy and specific economic or national security objectives. Check out the following article TransTRACK for more information!

Why is Lartas applied?

Export-Import Prohibitions and Restrictions (Lartas) are implemented by governments, including customs agencies, for a variety of purposes that can include economic, security, and public welfare aspects. Some common reasons why bans and restrictions are applied include:

Protection of Domestic Industry

Lartas can be used to protect domestic industries from unfair foreign competition. By imposing import restrictions, the government can give local producers a competitive advantage.

Regulating Trade Balance

Governments can use bans and restrictions to control trade deficits by limiting imports or encouraging certain exports. This aims to maintain a balance in a country’s trade balance.

National Security

Import bans and restrictions may be implemented to maintain national security. The government may control the flow of certain goods that could have an impact on the security of the country.

Public Health and Safety

Lartas can be applied to protect public health and safety by restricting the import or export of certain goods that are deemed dangerous or do not meet certain health standards.

Inflation Control

By controlling the import of certain goods, the government can influence supply and demand in the domestic market, thus helping to control inflation.

Achieving Economic Development Goals

Governments may use bans and restrictions as policy instruments to achieve economic development objectives, including the development of specific industrial sectors or economic diversification.

While bans and restrictions have specific objectives, their implementation also needs to take into account the impact on international trade as a whole and ensure that the rules applied are in accordance with the provisions of international trade agreements that the country has joined.

What are lartas and non-lartas goods

The understanding of what constitutes an “off-label” or “non-off-label” item may vary depending on a country’s trade policies and regulations. In general, the following are the concepts:

Export restricted goods

Goods that are prohibited or restricted for export by a country. For example, raw rattan in whole form, precious stones, palm kernel, oil and gas, fertilizers, tin, metallic and non-metallic mineral mines, cultural treasures, livestock products, historical items, weapons, or items related to national security.

Imported lartas goods

Goods that are prohibited or restricted to be imported by a country. Examples include explosives, firearms, optical disks, vaccines, pork products, psychotropic substances, pesticides, ceramics, food supplements and medicines, hazardous chemicals, and goods that are deemed detrimental to the domestic industry or have a negative impact on public safety.

Non-lartas export goods

Goods that are not subject to prohibitions or restrictions on export. For example, agricultural products, most types of manufacturing, and most commodities.

Non-importable goods

Goods that are not subject to bans or restrictions on importation. This includes most goods that are considered safe and not detrimental to the domestic industry.

How to check whether goods are subject to lartas or not

For a person or company engaged in export-import, of course, information about Lartas goods is very important to know in order to facilitate the export-import process. To check whether an item is subject to Export-Import Prohibitions and Restrictions (Lartas) or not, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Check the Official Lartas List

Customs or Relevant Authority: Check the official list of Lartas issued by the customs agency or relevant authority in the country concerned. This information can usually be found on the agency’s official website.

The information can be obtained by:

  • Visit the INSW website, namely select the ‘Lartas Information’ menu.
  • Then, in the ‘Search’ column, select one menu, namely HS (Harmonized System) Code Import, HS Code Export, Lartas Import Description, or Lartas Export Description.
  • Then, in the ‘Keywords’ column, enter the HS Number or item description.

Step 2: Identify the Type of Goods

Identify the Type of Goods: Ensure that you have complete information on the type of goods to be exported or imported. Understand the tariff classification of the goods and their characteristics.

Step 3: Consult an Expert or Consultant

Consult an Expert: If you have any doubts or need further interpretation, consult an expert or consultant who is knowledgeable about the international trade regulations in the country.

Step 4: Contact Relevant Authorities

Contact the Relevant Authorities: If there is still any uncertainty, you can contact the relevant authorities, such as Customs or the trade ministry in the country. They can usually provide the necessary guidance and information.

Step 5: Use Electronic Services

Use Electronic Systems: Some countries provide electronic information systems that allow monitoring of the Lartas status of an item. Check the online services provided by the relevant authorities.

Step 6: Look at the Regulations in the Receiving Country

Pay attention to the Regulations in the Receiving Country: If you are importing goods, make sure to understand the regulations and Lartas that apply in the receiving country. Each country may have different rules regarding the import of certain goods.

Penalties for violating Lartas

On June 11, 2019, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia issued Minister of Trade Regulation no. 45/2019 which stipulates that certain commodities are prohibited from being exported. The Minister of Trade Regulation oversees the implementation of Law No. 7/2014 on Export Ban Commodities, which has now been regulated in a Minister of Trade Regulation.

If exporters violate the Trade Law, they are subject to a maximum imprisonment of 10 years and a maximum fine of IDR 5 billion.

To streamline the management of lartas and improve efficiency in the supply chain, the use of modern technology is crucial. One solution that can simplify and improve control over goods subject to Export-Import Prohibitions and Restrictions (Lartas) is TransTRACK’s Warehouse Management System (WMS).

TransTRACK’s WMS provides an integrated solution for warehouse management, including stock monitoring, order management, and integration with shipping processes. With advanced features, this WMS not only speeds up operational processes, but also provides better visibility into every step of the supply chain.

Transform Lartas Management with TransTRACK WMS. Facing the complexity of international trade regulations, WMS TransTRACK can be the right solution to ensure compliance with Lartas.

By implementing WMS TransTRACK, companies can gain a competitive advantage in the face of international trade dynamics. Don’t miss the opportunity to optimize operations and ensure full compliance with Lartas regulations. Transform your logistics management, and drive business growth with TransTRACK.

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