Know the Function, How to Make, and Examples of Goods Waybill!

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Surat Jalan Barang

A Goods Waybill is a document that records the delivery of goods from one place to another. This document serves as proof that the goods have been shipped and are on their way. It generally contains information such as the name of the recipient, the sender’s and recipient’s addresses, a list of the goods being shipped and their quantity, the weight of the goods, the method of shipment, and other relevant information.

A bill of lading is very important in the logistics and distribution process as it helps to ensure that the goods delivered are as ordered and in good condition. This document can also be used to track the movement of goods during the shipping process.

In addition, this letter is often required as an administrative requirement at various points in the supply chain. For example, the consignee may be required to present this letter when accepting delivery as proof that the goods have been delivered in accordance with the agreement. Check out the full article only at  TransTRACK!

What is the function of the goods road letter

The functions of a Goods Waybill can be described as follows:

Documents that Provide Information

  • Identification of Goods: This letter usually includes information related to the goods being shipped, such as the name of the goods, quantity, and weight. This helps the parties involved to clearly know what is being sent.
  • Sender and Receiver Information: This letter also lists information about the sender and consignee, including their addresses. This is important for identification and communication purposes.

Official Documents

  • Proof of Delivery: This letter serves as proof that the delivery of goods has been made. It provides certainty to the parties involved that the goods have been received by the party entitled to receive them.
  • Administrative Requirements: This letter is often required for administrative purposes, such as inventory tracking, accounting records, and audits. This document helps create an official record of the movement of goods.

Monitoring and Tracking

  • Shipment Tracking: This letter of goods can be used as a reference to track the movement of goods during shipment. This helps the relevant parties to know where the goods are and when they were received.

Separation of Liability

  • Separation of Legal Liability: This letter can also help in the separation of legal liability between the sender and the receiver. If a problem occurs during shipment, this letter can be the basis for determining who is responsible.

Tax and Customs Requirements

  • Tax and Customs Documents: This letter is also often required for tax and customs purposes. It helps in the fulfillment of tax and customs obligations.

Thus, a goods bill plays a very important role in managing and tracking the movement of goods during the shipping process.

The Role of Goods Movement Notes

The role of a Goods Waybill in the context of a transaction report:

White Sheet

If by “White Sheet” you are referring to a copy or printout of the goods bill, then the role of this “White Sheet” may be as a copy given to the consignee. It serves as proof of receipt of goods and can be used for administrative and accounting purposes.

Red Sheet

“Red Sheets” are not generally associated with freight bills specifically. However, in some cases, companies or shippers may use a red mark or stamp on copies of bills of lading or other documents to mark their importance, for example, as a warning or security mark.

Transaction Report Record

A goods bill can serve as a record of transaction reports. The information contained in the bill of lading, such as a list of items, quantity, weight, and shipper and consignee information, can be used in the creation of business transaction reports. It helps in accounting records and monitoring the flow of goods.

In general, the role of this letter involves recording, tracking, and documenting the movement of goods from sender to receiver. This document can also help in the fulfillment of administrative requirements, taxation, and other legal purposes. So, in the context of transaction reports, this letter can be an important source of information to record business transactions involving the shipment of goods.

How to create a goods/shipping letter

Creating a goods or shipment letter involves several steps to ensure that the required information is clearly covered. Here is a general guide to creating such a letter:

1. Sender Information

  • Name of the sending company or individual.
  • The address of the sender.

2. Recipient Information

  • Name of the recipient company or individual.
  • Address of the recipient.

3. Number and Date

  • The road letter number (unique reference number).
  • Date the road letter was created.

4. Item Description

  • Item name or short description.
  • Quantity of the item.
  • Weight of goods (optional).
  • Identification number (if applicable).

5. Shipping Instructions

  • Shipping method (e.g., ground, air, sea shipping).
  • Name and address of the third party (if any).

6. Signature and Stamp

  • A place for the sender’s signature.
  • Company seal (if applicable).

Ensure that the information listed matches the company’s requirements and shipping needs. Also, note that some companies or countries may have specific requirements regarding the format or information that should be included in the goods bill.

Sample Goods Waybill

The following is an example of a simple format for a Goods Waybill. You can customize this format according to your company’s needs and policies:

[Company Logo]

[Sender Information]

Name of Sender Company

Sender Address

Sender’s Phone Number

[Recipient Information]

Recipient Company Name

Recipient Address

Recipient’s Phone Number

[Road Letter Number] [Date]

**Goods Description:**

No | Item Name | Quantity | Weight


1.   | 24″ LCD Monitor | 10 | 100 kg

2.   | Wireless Keyboard | 20 | 15 kg

3.   | Optical Mouse 30 | 5 kg

**Delivery Instructions:**

Shipping Method: Ground Shipping

Third Party (if any): [Name and Address]

Sender’s Signature: ______________ Company Seal: [Stamp]

Make sure to replace information such as company name, address, phone number, road letter number, and item description with data that is appropriate for the shipment being made. In addition, you can customize this format according to your company’s internal policies and procedures.

In the world of logistics and distribution, efficiency and visibility are the keys to success. Ensuring every step of a shipment is well managed not only increases productivity, but also minimizes the risk of errors. That’s why we recommend implementing a Transportation Management System (TMS) from TransTRACK.

With TMS from TransTRACK, you will get:

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Track the movement of your goods from shipping to receiving in real-time. With high visibility, you can address potential obstacles quickly.
  • Route Optimization: Improve delivery efficiency by optimizing routes and vehicle management. This not only saves time but also reduces operational costs.
  • Inventory Management: TMS helps you better manage your inventory, reducing the risk of shortages or excess inventory.
  • Document Automation: With automation capabilities, goods orders, invoices, and other documents are generated quickly and accurately.
  • System Integration: TMS TransTRACK can be integrated with other systems you use, providing a one-stop solution for your logistics needs.

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Adopt TransTRACK’s Transportation Management System  and witness positive changes in your supply chain.

